Lead Join APA Rhode Island!
We are a non-profit public interest and research organization dedicated to urban, suburban, regional and rural planning. With over 130 members, APA RI is made up of planners at all government levels, private consultants, local planning board members, landscape architects, environmental scientists, lawyers, engineers, professors, students and other professionals dedicated to sound planning principles.

About Us
Leadership and Committees
Our Executive Board governs the chapter, and includes President, President-elect, and Past President, along with a Treasurer and a Secretary. Three of the chapter board positions are elected every two years by the chapter membership (President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer). The remaining chapter board members are appointed positions and include the professional development officer and committee chairs.
Other appointed positions that are filled as needed include: Awards Chair, Elections Officer, and Conference Chair.
APA RI establishes committees to address specific needs within the chapter. Examples include:
Membership Committee
SNEAPA Committee
Awards Committee
Legislative Committee
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee